Upcoming Events
Social Run Club is a free run group. We design our events to create a fun run experience for our members. We try to find a balance between social easy runs, workouts and run events.
Weekly Runs:
Tues 6:30pm - Form Focused Runs (LINK)
Thurs 6:30pm - Beats Intervals (LINK)
Sat 9:30am - Social Run + Coffee
Nervous about your first time? Read our 14 Easy Tips for Your First Social Run.
Featured Events
- Membership OfferSat, Mar 29Vancouver - Members Party Room
Please RSVP so we can plan for joggers and group size
Social Runs are around 25-30 mins and 4-5K
See individual events for more details
Full Event Schedule
Do you want to come out, but these dates and times not work for you? Let us know: geoff@socialrunclub.com
Some of us jog during the week, we are also piloting new projects that we don't post on the website, if you'd like to know more information about this email us: geoff@socialrunclub.com